[metis-users] partitionning unstructured meshes into tube-like partitions

Stephen Wornom stephen.wornom at inria.fr
Thu Nov 10 17:04:57 UTC 2016

My team uses metis; I use metis to partition meshes without any knowledge of how the metis works; as a conswquence I accept whatever partitions metis gives and that is the problem. 

What I would like is to partition an x,y,z mesh such that all the partitions are in the x-y plane. To be clear I would like all the partitions to include both zmin and zmax that a tube-like partition of length Zmax-Zmin. 

The question is how do I tell metis to do this, by default metis cuts across the z-coorinate. 
Hope my question is clear, 
Thanks in advance, 
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