White to move |
Mate in 40 with Ke7. Worse are Kc5, Kc6, Kd5, Kd7, Ke5 and Ke6 which throw away the win. |
1. Ke7 |
White mates in 39 after Ng7. Worse are Kg4 when White mates in 16, Kg5, Kg6 and Kh4 when White mates in 15, Kh6 when White mates in 13, Nc7 and Nd6 when White mates in 12, and Nf6 when White mates in 10. |
1... Ng7 |
Mate in 39 with Kf6. Worse are Kd6, Kd7, Kd8, Kf7, Kf8, Ra2, Rb2, Rc1, Rc3, Rc4, Rc5+, Rc6, Rc7, Rc8, Rd2, Re2, Rf2, Rg2 and Rh2+ which throw away the win. |
2. Kf6 |
White mates in 38 after Ne8+. Worse are Kg4 when White mates in 14, Kh4 when White mates in 13, Ne6 when White mates in 11, Kh6 when White mates in 10, and Nf5 when White mates in 3. |
2... Ne8+ |
Mate in 38 with Kf7. Worse are Ke7 with mate in 40, and Ke5, Ke6 and Kf5 which throw away the win. |
3. Kf7 |
White mates in 37 after Nd6+. Worse are Kg4 when White mates in 16, Kg5 and Kh4 when White mates in 15, Kh6 and Nc7 when White mates in 13, Ng7 when White mates in 11, and Nf6 when White mates in 10. |
3... Nd6+ |
Mate in 37 with Ke6. Worse are Ke7, Kf6, Kf8, Kg7 and Kg8 which throw away the win. |
4. Ke6 |
White mates in 36 after Ne4. Worse are Nb7 when White mates in 17, Ne8 when White mates in 15, Kg4 and Kg5 when White mates in 13, Kh4 and Nb5 when White mates in 12, Nc8 and Nf7 when White mates in 11, Kh6 when White mates in 10, Kg6 when White mates in 9, Nc4 when White mates in 8, and Nf5 when White mates in 3. |
4... Ne4 |
Mate in 36 with Kf5. Worse are Kd5, Kd7, Ke5, Ke7, Kf7, Ra2, Rb2, Rc1, Rc3, Rc4, Rc5+, Rc6, Rc7, Rc8, Rd2, Re2, Rf2, Rg2 and Rh2+ which throw away the win. |
5. Kf5 |
White mates in 35 after Nd6+. Worse are Ng3+ when White mates in 12, Kh6 when White mates in 10, Kh4 when White mates in 9, Nf2 when White mates in 5, Nd2 when White mates in 3, Ng5 when White mates in 2, and Nc3, Nc5 and Nf6 when White mates in 1. |
5... Nd6+ |
Mate in 35 with Ke5. Worse are Ke6 with mate in 37, and Kf4 and Kf6 which throw away the win. |
6. Ke5 |
White mates in 34 after Nf7+. Worse are Nb7 when White mates in 20, Nb5 when White mates in 18, Ne8 when White mates in 15, Kg4 when White mates in 13, Kh4 when White mates in 12, Kg5, Kg6, Kh6 and Ne4 when White mates in 10, Nc4+ and Nc8 when White mates in 9, and Nf5 when White mates in 3. |
6... Nf7+ |
Mate in 34 with Kf6. Worse are Kd4, Kd5, Ke4, Ke6, Kf4 and Kf5 which throw away the win. |
7. Kf6 |
White mates in 33 after Nd6. Worse are Kg4 and Nh6 when White mates in 15, Nd8 when White mates in 14, Kh4 and Ng5 when White mates in 13, Nh8 when White mates in 12, Ne5 when White mates in 9, and Kh6 when White mates in 1. |
7... Nd6 |
Mate in 33 with Re2. Worse are Ke5 with mate in 35, Ke6 with mate in 37, and Ke7, Kg7, Ra2, Rb2, Rc1, Rc3, Rc4, Rc5+, Rc6, Rc7, Rc8, Rd2, Rf2, Rg2 and Rh2+ which throw away the win. |
8. Re2 |
White mates in 32 after Kg4. Worse are Kh4 when White mates in 23, Nc4 when White mates in 22, Nc8 when White mates in 19, Nb7 when White mates in 18, Nb5 when White mates in 12, Nf7 when White mates in 11, Ne8+ when White mates in 10, Nf5 when White mates in 3, Ne4+ when White mates in 2, and Kh6 when White mates in 1. |
8... Kg4 |
Mate in 32 with Re6. Worse are Ke5, Ke6, Ke7, Kg6, Kg7, Ra2, Rb2, Rc2, Rd2, Re1, Re3, Re4+, Re5, Re7, Re8, Rf2, Rg2+ and Rh2 which throw away the win. |
9. Re6 |
White mates in 31 after Nb7. Worse are Nb5 when White mates in 27, Nc8 when White mates in 18, Nc4 when White mates in 14, Kf3, Kf4 and Nf7 when White mates in 12, Kg3, Kh3, Kh4 and Kh5 when White mates in 11, Ne8+ and Nf5 when White mates in 10, and Ne4+ when White mates in 9. |
9... Nb7 |
Mate in 31 with Ke5. Worse are Re5 with mate in 33, and Ke7, Kf7, Kg6, Kg7, Ra6, Rb6, Rc6, Rd6, Re1, Re2, Re3, Re4+, Re7 and Re8 which throw away the win. |
10. Ke5 |
White mates in 30 after Nc5. Worse are Na5 when White mates in 25, Kg5 when White mates in 24, Nd8 when White mates in 23, Kf3, Kg3, Kh3, Kh4 and Kh5 when White mates in 18, and Nd6 when White mates in 11. |
10... Nc5 |
Mate in 30 with Rd6. Worse are Kd4, Kd5, Kd6, Kf6, Ra6, Rb6, Rc6, Re7, Re8, Rf6, Rg6+ and Rh6 which throw away the win. |
11. Rd6 |
White mates in 29 after Kf3. Worse are Nb3 when White mates in 22, Kh4 when White mates in 20, Kg3, Kg5, Kh3 and Nb7 when White mates in 19, Kh5 when White mates in 18, Na4 when White mates in 12, Na6 and Nd7+ when White mates in 11, Ne4 and Ne6 when White mates in 9, and Nd3+ when White mates in 8. |
11... Kf3 |
Mate in 29 with Rd5. Worse are Kd4, Kd5, Kf5, Kf6, Ra6, Rb6, Rc6, Rd1, Rd2, Rd3+, Rd4, Rd7, Rd8, Re6, Rf6+, Rg6 and Rh6 which throw away the win. |
12. Rd5 |
White mates in 28 after Na4. Worse are Na6 and Nb7 when White mates in 19, Ne6 when White mates in 13, Ke2, Ke3 and Kf2 when White mates in 12, Kg2, Kg3, Kg4, Nb3 and Ne4 when White mates in 11, and Nd3+ and Nd7+ when White mates in 10. |
12... Na4 |
Mate in 28 with Ra5. Worse are Kd4, Kd6, Ke6, Kf5, Kf6, Rb5, Rc5, Rd1, Rd2, Rd3+, Rd4, Rd6, Rd7 and Rd8 which throw away the win. |
13. Ra5 |
White mates in 27 after Nb2. Worse are Nb6 when White mates in 24, Ke2, Ke3, Nc3 and Nc5 when White mates in 12, Kf2 when White mates in 11, and Kg2, Kg3 and Kg4 when White mates in 10. |
13... Nb2 |
Mate in 27 with Ra3+. Worse are Kd4, Kd5, Kd6, Ke6, Kf5, Kf6, Ra1, Ra2, Ra4, Ra6, Ra7, Ra8, Rb5, Rc5 and Rd5 which throw away the win. |
14. Ra3+ |
White mates in 26 after Kg4. Worse are Ke2 when White mates in 14, Kf2 when White mates in 13, Kg2 when White mates in 12, and Nd3+ when White mates in 10. |
14... Kg4 |
Mate in 26 with Ke4. Worse are Kd4, Kd5, Kd6, Ke6, Kf6, Ra1, Ra2, Ra4+, Ra5, Ra6, Ra7, Ra8, Rb3, Rc3, Rd3, Re3, Rf3, Rg3+ and Rh3 which throw away the win. |
15. Ke4 |
White mates in 25 after Nd1. Worse are Nc4 when White mates in 22, Kh4 when White mates in 18, Kg5 when White mates in 17, Kh5 when White mates in 16, and Na4 and Nd3 when White mates in 9. |
15... Nd1 |
Mate in 25 with Rf3. Worse are Kd3, Kd4, Kd5, Ke5, Ra1, Ra2, Ra4, Ra5, Ra6, Ra7, Ra8, Rb3, Rc3, Rd3, Re3, Rg3+ and Rh3 which throw away the win. |
16. Rf3 |
White mates in 24 after Nb2. Worse are Kg5 when White mates in 18, Kh4 and Kh5 when White mates in 17, Ne3 and Nf2+ when White mates in 10, and Nc3+ when White mates in 9. |
16... Nb2 |
Mate in 24 with Rf1, Rf7 and Rf8. Worse are Rf6 with mate in 25, Ra3, Rb3, Rc3 and Rf2 with mate in 26, Re3 and Rf4+ with mate in 27, and Kd4, Kd5, Ke3, Ke5, Rd3, Rf5, Rg3+ and Rh3 which throw away the win. |
17. Rf1 |
White mates in 23 after Nc4. Worse are Na4 when White mates in 20, Kg3 and Kg5 when White mates in 17, Kh3, Kh4 and Kh5 when White mates in 16, and Nd1 and Nd3 when White mates in 9. |
17... Nc4 |
Mate in 23 with Rd1. Worse are Rg1+ with mate in 25, and Kd3, Kd4, Kd5, Ra1, Rb1, Rc1, Re1, Rf2, Rf3, Rf4+, Rf5, Rf6, Rf7, Rf8 and Rh1 which throw away the win. |
18. Rd1 |
White mates in 22 after Kg3, Kh4, Na3 and Nb6. Worse are Kg5 and Kh5 when White mates in 21, Na5 when White mates in 19, Kh3 when White mates in 18, Nb2 when White mates in 17, Nd2+ and Nd6+ when White mates in 9, and Ne3 and Ne5 when White mates in 8. |
18... Kg3 |
Mate in 22 with Rd4. Worse are Rd3+, Rd5, Rd7 and Rd8 with mate in 25, Kd4 with mate in 33, and Kd3, Kd5, Kf5, Ra1, Rb1, Rc1, Rd2, Rd6, Re1, Rf1, Rg1+ and Rh1 which throw away the win. |
19. Rd4 |
White mates in 21 after Nb6. Worse are Na5 when White mates in 18, Kh3, Kh4, Na3, Nb2 and Ne5 when White mates in 10, Kg2, Kg4 and Nd6+ when White mates in 9, Kf2 and Nd2+ when White mates in 8, Kh2 when White mates in 7, and Ne3 when White mates in 6. |
19... Nb6 |
Mate in 21 with Ke5 and Kf5. Worse are Kd3, Ke3, Rb4, Rd2, Rd6 and Rd8 with mate in 23, Rd1 and Rd3+ with mate in 26, and Ra4, Rc4, Rd5 and Rd7 which throw away the win. |
20. Ke5 |
White mates in 20 after Kf2, Kf3, Kg2 and Nc8. Worse are Kh2 and Kh3 when White mates in 19, Na8 when White mates in 18, Nd5 and Nd7+ when White mates in 11, and Na4 and Nc4+ when White mates in 10. |
20... Nc8 |
Mate in 20 with Ke6. Worse are Rd7 with mate in 21, Ke4, Kf6 and Rd3+ with mate in 22, Rb4, Rd1, Rd2, Rd5 and Rd8 with mate in 24, Kf5 with mate in 25, Ra4 with mate in 26, and Kd5, Rc4, Rd6, Re4, Rf4, Rg4+ and Rh4 which throw away the win. |
21. Ke6 |
White mates in 19 after Kf2 and Kf3. Worse are Kg2, Kh2, Kh3, Na7 and Nb6 when White mates in 18, and Nd6 and Ne7 when White mates in 12. |
21... Kf3 |
Mate in 19 with Rb4. Worse are Kd7, Ra4, Rc4, Rd3+ and Rh4 with mate in 20, Rd1, Rd2, Rd5, Rd7 and Rd8 with mate in 21, Ke5 with mate in 24, and Kd5, Kf5, Kf6, Kf7, Rd6, Re4, Rf4+ and Rg4 which throw away the win. |
22. Rb4 |
White mates in 18 after Ke3 and Na7. Worse are Ke2, Kf2, Kg2 and Kg3 when White mates in 17, Nb6 and Ne7 when White mates in 13, and Nd6 when White mates in 12. |
22... Na7 |
Mate in 18 with Kd7 and Rb7. Worse are Kd5, Kd6, Rb3+ and Rb6 with mate in 19, Ra4 and Rc4 with mate in 21, and Ke5, Ke7, Kf5, Kf6, Kf7, Rb1, Rb2, Rb5, Rb8, Rd4, Re4, Rf4+, Rg4 and Rh4 which throw away the win. |
23. Rb7 |
White mates in 17 after Nc8. Worse are Nc6 when White mates in 16, Ke2, Ke3, Ke4, Kf2, Kf4, Kg3, Kg4 and Nb5 when White mates in 13, and Kg2 when White mates in 11. |
23... Nc8 |
Mate in 17 with Kd7. Worse are Kd5 with mate in 18, Ke5, Rb1, Rb2, Rb3+, Rb4, Rb5, Rb8 and Rf7+ with mate in 19, Rd7 with mate in 21, Rc7 and Rh7 with mate in 22, and Kf5, Kf6, Kf7, Ra7, Rb6, Re7 and Rg7 which throw away the win. |
24. Kd7 |
White mates in 16 after Ke3, Ke4 and Kf4. Worse are Ke2, Kf2, Kg2, Kg3 and Kg4 when White mates in 15, Na7, Nb6+ and Ne7 when White mates in 14, and Nd6 when White mates in 13. |
24... Ke3 |
Mate in 16 with Kxc8. Worse are Kc6, Rb3+ and Rb5 with mate in 17, Ke6, Rb1, Rb2, Rb4 and Rb8 with mate in 18, and Kc7, Kd8, Ke8, Ra7, Rb6 and Rc7 which throw away the win. |
25. Kxc8 |
White mates in 15 after Kd4 and Ke4. Worse are Kd2, Kd3, Ke2, Kf2, Kf3 and Kf4 when White mates in 14. |
25... Kd4 |
Mate in 15 with Kc7, Kd7, Ra7, Rb4+, Re7 and Rh7. Worse are Kb8, Kd8, Rb1, Rb2, Rb3, Rb5, Rb6, Rb8, Rc7, Rd7+, Rf7 and Rg7 with mate in 16. |
26. Kd7 |
White mates in 14 after Kd5. Worse are Kc3, Kc4, Kc5, Kd3, Ke3, Ke4 and Ke5 when White mates in 13. |
26... Kd5 |
Mate in 14 with Rb1, Rb4, Rb5+, Rb6, Rb8 and Rc7. Worse are Kc7, Ke7, Ra7, Rb2 and Rb3 with mate in 15, and Kc8, Kd8 and Ke8 with mate in 16. |
27. Rb4 |
White mates in 13 after Kc5. Worse is Ke5 when White mates in 11. |
27... Kc5 |
Mate in 13 with Re4, Rf4, Rg4 and Rh4. Worse are Ra4 and Rb1 with mate in 14, Rb2, Rb3, Rb7 and Rb8 with mate in 15, and Kc7, Kc8, Kd8, Ke6, Ke7, Ke8, Rb5+, Rb6, Rc4+ and Rd4 which throw away the win. |
28. Rg4 |
White mates in 12 after Kd5. Worse are Kb5 when White mates in 7, and Kb6 when White mates in 5. |
28... Kd5 |
Mate in 12 with Ra4. Worse are Ke7 and Rh4 with mate in 13, Kc7, Kc8, Kd8, Ke8, Rb4, Rf4, Rg1, Rg3, Rg5+, Rg6, Rg7 and Rg8 with mate in 14, Rg2 with mate in 15, and Rc4, Rd4+ and Re4 which throw away the win. |
29. Ra4 |
White mates in 11 after Kc5 and Ke5. |
29... Kc5 |
Mate in 11 with Ke6. Worse are Kc7, Ke7, Re4, Rf4, Rg4 and Rh4 with mate in 13, Kd8, Ke8, Ra1, Ra2, Ra3, Ra5+, Ra6, Ra7 and Ra8 with mate in 14, Kc8 with mate in 15, and Rb4, Rc4+ and Rd4 which throw away the win. |
30. Ke6 |
White mates in 10 after Kb5. Worse are Kc6 when White mates in 9, and Kb6 when White mates in 8. |
30... Kb5 |
Mate in 10 with Rd4, Re4, Rf4, Rg4 and Rh4. Worse are Ra1, Ra2, Ra3, Ra7 and Ra8 with mate in 13, and Kd5, Kd6, Kd7, Ke5, Ke7, Kf5, Kf6, Kf7, Ra5+, Ra6, Rb4+ and Rc4 which throw away the win. |
31. Rg4 |
White mates in 9 after Kc5. Worse are Ka5, Kb6 and Kc6 when White mates in 8, and Ka6 when White mates in 7. |
31... Kc5 |
Mate in 9 with Re4, Rf4 and Rh4. Worse are Ke5 and Ra4 with mate in 11, Ke7, Kf5, Kf6 and Kf7 with mate in 12, Kd7, Rg1, Rg2, Rg3, Rg5+, Rg6, Rg7 and Rg8 with mate in 13, and Rb4, Rc4+ and Rd4 which throw away the win. |
32. Rf4 |
White mates in 8 after Kb6 and Kc6. Worse is Kb5 when White mates in 7. |
32... Kc6 |
Mate in 8 with Rf5. Worse are Ke5, Rb4, Rc4+, Rd4, Re4, Rf1, Rf2, Rf3, Rf6, Rf7, Rf8, Rg4 and Rh4 with mate in 10, Ra4 with mate in 11, and Ke7, Kf5, Kf6 and Kf7 with mate in 12. |
33. Rf5 |
White mates in 7 after Kc7. Worse are Kb7 when White mates in 6, and Kb6 when White mates in 5. |
33... Kc7 |
Mate in 7 with Rc5+. Worse are Kd5, Ke7, Re5, Rg5 and Rh5 with mate in 8, Ra5, Rb5, Rd5, Rf1, Rf2, Rf3, Rf4, Rf6, Rf7+ and Rf8 with mate in 9, and Ke5, Kf6 and Kf7 with mate in 10. |
34. Rc5+ |
White mates in 6 after Kb6, Kb7 and Kb8. Worse is Kd8 when White mates in 2. |
34... Kb7 |
Mate in 6 with Kd7. Worse are Kd5, Kd6 and Ke7 with mate in 7, Ke5, Re5, Rf5, Rg5 and Rh5 with mate in 8, Ra5, Rb5+, Rc1, Rc2, Rc3, Rc4 and Rd5 with mate in 9, Kf5, Kf6 and Kf7 with mate in 10, and Rc6, Rc7+ and Rc8 which throw away the win. |
35. Kd7 |
White mates in 5 after Kb6. Worse are Kb8 when White mates in 4, Ka7 when White mates in 3, and Ka6 and Ka8 when White mates in 2. |
35... Kb6 |
Mate in 5 with Rd5, Re5, Rf5, Rg5 and Rh5. Worse are Kd6 with mate in 6, Rc6+ with mate in 10, Rc1, Rc2, Rc3, Rc4, Rc7 and Rc8 with mate in 11, and Kc8, Kd8, Ke6, Ke7, Ke8, Ra5 and Rb5+ which throw away the win. |
36. Re5 |
White mates in 4 after Kb7. Worse are Ka7 when White mates in 3, and Ka6 when White mates in 2. |
36... Kb7 |
Mate in 4 with Re6. Worse are Rb5+ with mate in 5, Kd6, Ra5, Rc5, Rd5, Re1, Re2, Re3, Re4, Re7, Re8, Rf5, Rg5 and Rh5 with mate in 6, and Kd8, Ke6, Ke7 and Ke8 with mate in 8. |
37. Re6 |
White mates in 3 after Ka8 and Kb8. Worse is Ka7 when White mates in 2. |
37... Kb8 |
Mate in 3 with Kc6. Worse are Rb6+ with mate in 4, Kd6, Kd8, Ra6, Rc6, Rd6, Re1, Re2, Re3, Re4, Re5, Re7, Re8+, Rf6, Rg6 and Rh6 with mate in 5, and Ke7 and Ke8 with mate in 7. |
38. Kc6 |
White mates in 2 after Ka7 and Ka8. Worse is Kc8 when White mates in 1. |
38... Ka8 |
Mate in 2 with Kb6. Worse are Kc7, Re1, Re2, Re3, Re4, Re5 and Re8+ with mate in 3, Rd6, Re7, Rf6, Rg6 and Rh6 with mate in 4, Kd6 and Kd7 with mate in 5, Kb5 and Kc5 with mate in 6, and Kd5 with mate in 8. |
39. Kb6 |
White mates in 1 after Kb8. |
39... Kb8 |
Mate in 1 with Re8#. Worse are Rc6 with mate in 2, Kc6, Rd6, Re1, Re2, Re3, Re4, Re5, Rf6, Rg6 and Rh6 with mate in 3, Re7 with mate in 5, Kc5 with mate in 7, Kb5 with mate in 9, and Ka5 and Ka6 with mate in 12. |
40. Re8# |
Checkmate. |
1-0 |